invalid date format, can not process this file /var/www/ - date = invalid date format-seperator: , can not process this file /var/www/ - date =

No valid data file found, script ends

PWS_graph_xx.php(33) loaded  =>PWS_graph_xx.php|01|2021-05-15|
PWS_graph_xx.php (37) include_once  =>./PWS_livedata.php
PWS_livedata.php (22) version =>PWS_livedata.php|01|2022-03-28|
PWS_livedata.php (25) include_once =>PWS_settings.php
PWS_settings.php (28) version =>PWS_settings.php|01|2021-12-04|
PWS_settings.php (32) include =>/var/www/
PWS_settings.php (176) $defaultlanguage=en-uk $used_lang =ct-ct $locale_wu=ca-ES $lang_locale=ca $lang_file=languages/lang_ct.txt
PWS_settings.php (284) $units_used =scandinavia $windunit=m/s $tempunit=C $rainunit=mm $pressureunit=hPa $distanceunit=km $wu_unit=e
PWS_livedata.php (29) include_once =>PWS_shared.php
PWS_shared.php (21) version =>PWS_shared.php|01|2021-12-04|
PWS_livedata.php (39) $itsday =1
PWS_graph_xx.php (76) type set to baro from request baro
PWS_graph_xx.php (166) loading  =>./chartswudata/KWACLEEL110YMD.txt
PWS_graph_xx.php (193)Line-names contains {"success":false,"error":"Data could not be loaded from WU